Members of the public may attend the Board of Commissioners meeting in person.

Members of the public may attend the Board of Commissioners meeting in person.
Last night at our monthly action meeting, our post seat holders elected our state committee members to represent us at the state party level for the next four years.
Meet your state committee representatives:
Fulton County State Committee |
Commission District 1 | Commission District 2 | Commission District 3 |
Sean Calahan | Zane Malas | Marc Schlather |
Lauren Higdon | Marley Brown | Brandon Goldberg |
Phil Lunney | Hope Mays | Ted Frankel |
Terri Crawford | Bob Gibeling | |
Commission District 4 | Commission District 5 | Commission District 6 |
Erica Pines | LeWanna Tucker | Rodney Littles |
Jen Rafanan | Gloria Jenkins | Aaron Johnson |
Al Turnell | Helen Willis | Damita Chatman |
Patricia Lovett | Jaceey Sebastian | |
We want to thank everyone who ran to be on the state committee, and we encourage everyone to stay involved! Come to our events, become a post seat holder (if you haven’t already!) and pay your $25 dues!
It’s time to elect our state committee representatives! Members of the state committee represent the interests of the Fulton County Democratic Party Committee to the Democratic Party of Georgia. State committee members are like the Post Seat Holders (voting members) of the state party. This is a great opportunity to influence the state and national party from the local level! Committee members serve four-year terms and have several responsibilities:
To be a member of the state committee, you must be a resident and registered voter in Fulton County. There are 22 seats available across the entire county, and those positions will be voted on by post seat holders (listed here). Each Fulton County Commission District may have at maximum four (4) state committee members elected from it. Candidates may also give a short speech of approximately one minute before the entire county committee.
If you would like to run for one of the state committee seats you must show up on February 21 at the FCDP regular business meeting at 7:00 pm in the IBEW Auditorium at 501 Pulliam Street, SW, Atlanta 30312.
Please also fill out this google form here in order to make registration and check-in more expedient:
Beyond this, all required forms will be present at the meeting.
If you have any questions, please contact the Membership Chair, Sean Calahan at
We look forward to seeing you all in February!
It’s time to re-elect some of our Post Seat Holders (PSH) and elect new ones per our bylaws. Every 2 years after the general primary election, half of our PSH seats are up for election. This year all even-numbered post seats are up for re-election. This will be done by caucus on September 13 at our regular business meeting.
Post Seat Holders are an integral component of the Fulton County Democratic Party. They have several vital functions within the FCDP:
They are the group responsible for voting on the Executive Committee positions (Chair, Vice chair, etc.) that serve two year terms. Executive Committee elections are going to be held in either November or December of 2018.
They are the group that votes on motions proposed during the FCDP business meetings.
They are some of the most active members of our local voter and public outreach activities.
You can see our current PSHs as well as their district and seat number here:
If you would like to run for one of the PSH seats you must show up on September 13 at the FCDP regular business meeting at 7:00 pm in the IBEW Auditorium at 501 Pulliam Street, SW, Atlanta 30312. Please also fill out this google form here:
Post seat holders’ dues are $25/year in addition to the regular FDCP membership dues of $25/year. This comes out to a total of $50/year that we ask PSH to contribute. If you have any difficulty with dues and would like them waived please contact the Membership Chair, Sean Calahan.
The duties of PSHs according to the bylaws are:
Article III, Section 5: Roles and Responsibilities of FCDPC Members (“Committee Members”). All Committee Members are expected to maintain a membership in good standing each year. Committee Members are expected to attend all business meetings and notify the Membership Chair when they cannot attend. Committee Members are expected to participate in FCDPC activities and provide leadership within their own neighborhoods and regular spheres of influence to further the goals of the FCDPC.
We look forward to seeing you all in September!
Fulton County Democratic Party
Thursday, September 8, 2016
7:00 pm, 6:30 refreshments & socializing
Meet and mingle with fellow Democrats at monthly meetings of the Fulton County Democratic Party, held on the 2nd Thursday of every month. On September 8, we welcome as our special guest Richard McDaniel, State Director for Hillary for America in Georgia.
Join us as we discuss what is important to Democrats in Georgia and the issues we would like our presidential candidates to address.
This discussion is meant to engage and prepare ourselves, so that we can make sure when the candidates talk about what they will do for us, it is what in fact we find important. We’ll break into small groups and then return for an overview at the end. Representatives from the Democratic presidential candidates campaigns have been invited to join us for this critical discussion. Read More