Heating, Electrical, Plumbing, House & Appliance Repair
Website: Rebuilding Together Atlanta
Now accepting applications for the Roof Replacement Program within the city of Atlanta.
Leave your name, phone number & full address. Or Fill out an application on their website
Check and Repair Furnace; Weatherization, Insulation & Weather
Plumbing; Electrical; Furnace; Roof; & Minor Flooring Repairs
- Stefanie Gough: 404-465-1068 / stefanie.gough@atlantahabitat.org
- Chaka Robbins: 404-223-5180 ext 167 / chaka.robbins@atlantahabitat.org
Services: Roofing, accessibility improvements, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Furnace & AC, Storm Windows and doors. Cosmetic repairs and general renovations are not provided.
Additional Services (Based on Qualifications): Exterior House Painting
Program Qualifications:
- House must be at least 15 years old
- Applicant must own and have lived on home for the past year.
- Be current on any mortgage payments, property taxes, and homeowner’s insurance
- No major liens on property
- Does not exceed maximum income limit for household size
- Must have a demonstrated need for critical home repairs based on an inspection
- Applicants will have a 6-year forgivable loan and a reconciled security deed
Service Area: Military veterans who own homes within the city limits of Atlanta and South Fulton County. Non-military home owners in selected area.
Phone: 404-330-6390
Housing Rehabilitation assistance may only be provided to cover repairs necessary to bring the property in compliance with the City if Atlanta building code.
Phone: 404-872-0167
Email: info@hopeworks4us.org
Website: www.hopeworks4us.org/
Two programs are available for low income senior homeowners age 60+ who meet qualifications.
- Emergency Repair for Gas Furnaces (heat only) and Gas Water Heater
- Home Energy Efficiency Program for insulation and air ceiling
Phone: 404-464-5950
Call to see if you are eligible for no-cost home repair and improvement
Phone: 404-525-0682
Website: www.facaa.org
- Heating: Accepting applications for Seniors 65+ beginning November 1 (General Population on December 1). Accepting applications until funding is exhausted.
- Cooling: Accepting applications for Seniors 65+ beginning April 3 until fund are gone
Legal and Medical Services, Pet Services and Meal Delivery
Phone: 404-351-3889
Website: Meals On Wheels Atlanta
Eligibility requirements: 60 years and older; resident of Fulton County; low income. Provides home delivered meals to low-income and home-bound older adults Tuesday through Saturday. Also offers an Emergency Pantry Program, a Pet Food program, and Home Repair services for qualified residents.
Website: Open Hand Atlanta
Eligibility requirements vary by program. Prepares, packs, and delivers nutritious and healthy meals to seniors, HIV/AIDS patients and others on a daily basis. Open Hand provides meals for at-risk youth, as well as medically tailored to help prevent or manage diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, obesity, and other chronic conditions.
Website: Fulton County GA Senior-Services Hotline
Eligibility requirements: Resident of Fulton County; adults 55 and older. STAR-line is a free information and referral service for older adults (55 and older), their families/caregivers and the community. Services include: nutrition, transportation, health, financial and legal services; housing and supportive services; in-home services; elder abuse and neglect/social services; and mental health services.
Website: United Way Atlanta
Contact United Way about the many resources they offer:
Text: Text your ZIP Code to 898211 [then wait for a 2-1-1 specialist to respond]
Phone: 404-657-5258
Eligibility Requirements: None
Supports older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers through a variety of services such as home-delivered meals, legal assistance, and Medicare counseling. Also investigates cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation of elder persons and adults with disabilities.
Transportation Services
Phone: 404-848-5389
Website: www.itsmarta.com
MARTA Mobility provides ADA Complementary Paratransit service to anyone unable to ride or disembark from regular MARTA transit services
Phone: 404-613-6000
One-time of $15 to register. There is a $1 per ride charge (a ride is defined as transport from your pick-up location to one location.
You may have up to 15 one-way rides OR 8 round-trips per month. You may take one round trip per day.