Free Senior Citizen Services

Free Senior Citizen Services

Heating, Electrical, Plumbing, House & Appliance Repair

Phone: 404.505.5599

Website: Rebuilding Together Atlanta

Now accepting applications for the Roof Replacement Program within the city of Atlanta.

Leave your name, phone number & full address. Or Fill out an application on their website
Phone: 404.352.5440

Check and Repair Furnace; Weatherization, Insulation & Weather
Phone: 770.455.7602 ext 158

Plumbing; Electrical; Furnace; Roof; & Minor Flooring Repairs
  • Stefanie Gough: 404-465-1068 /
  • Chaka Robbins: 404-223-5180 ext 167 /

Services: Roofing, accessibility improvements, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Furnace & AC, Storm Windows and doors. Cosmetic repairs and general renovations are not provided.

Additional Services (Based on Qualifications): Exterior House Painting

Program Qualifications:

  1. House must be at least 15 years old
  2. Applicant must own and have lived on home for the past year.
  3. Be current on any mortgage payments, property taxes, and homeowner’s insurance
  4. No major liens on property
  5. Does not exceed maximum income limit for household size
  6. Must have a demonstrated need for critical home repairs based on an inspection 
  7. Applicants will have a 6-year forgivable loan and a reconciled security deed

Service Area: Military veterans who own homes within the city limits of Atlanta and South Fulton County. Non-military home owners in selected area.

Phone: 404-330-6390

Housing Rehabilitation assistance may only be provided to cover repairs necessary to bring the property in compliance with the City if Atlanta building code.

Phone: 404-872-0167



Two programs are available for low income senior homeowners age 60+ who meet qualifications.

  1. Emergency Repair for Gas Furnaces (heat only) and Gas Water Heater
  2. Home Energy Efficiency Program for insulation and air ceiling 

Phone: 404-464-5950

Call to see if you are eligible for no-cost home repair and improvement

Phone: 404-525-0682


  1. Heating: Accepting applications for Seniors 65+ beginning November 1 (General Population on December 1). Accepting applications until funding is exhausted.
  2. Cooling: Accepting applications for Seniors 65+ beginning April 3 until fund are gone

Legal and Medical Services, Pet Services and Meal Delivery

Phone: 404-351-3889

Website: Meals On Wheels Atlanta

Eligibility requirements: 60 years and older; resident of Fulton County; low income. Provides home delivered meals to low-income and home-bound older adults Tuesday through Saturday. Also offers an Emergency Pantry Program, a Pet Food program, and Home Repair services for qualified residents.

Phone: 404-872-6947

Website: Open Hand Atlanta

Eligibility requirements vary by program. Prepares, packs, and delivers nutritious and healthy meals to seniors, HIV/AIDS patients and others on a daily basis. Open Hand provides meals for at-risk youth, as well as medically tailored to help prevent or manage diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, HIV/AIDS, obesity, and other chronic conditions.
Phone: 404-613-6000

Website: Fulton County GA Senior-Services Hotline

Eligibility requirements: Resident of Fulton County; adults 55 and older. STAR-line is a free information and referral service for older adults (55 and older), their families/caregivers and the community. Services include: nutrition, transportation, health, financial and legal services; housing and supportive services; in-home services; elder abuse and neglect/social services; and mental health services.
Phone: 404.614.1000

Website: United Way Atlanta

Contact United Way about the many resources they offer:

Text: Text your ZIP Code to 898211 [then wait for a 2-1-1 specialist to respond]

Phone: 404-657-5258

Eligibility Requirements: None

Supports older adults, people with disabilities and caregivers through a variety of services such as home-delivered meals, legal assistance, and Medicare counseling. Also investigates cases of abuse, neglect and exploitation of elder persons and adults with disabilities.  

Transportation Services

Phone: 404-848-5389


MARTA Mobility provides ADA Complementary Paratransit service to anyone unable to ride or disembark from regular MARTA transit services 

Phone: 404-613-6000

One-time of $15 to register. There is a $1 per ride charge (a ride is defined as transport from your pick-up location to one location.

You may have up to 15 one-way rides OR 8 round-trips per month. You may take one round trip per day.