Personal connections are the most effective way to get eligible voters involved in the political process, which motivated the North Fulton Democrats to create SCOPE–Steering Committee on Organizing Precincts for Elections.
A precinct is the smallest breakdown of the electoral process. It includes everyone within a geographical area that votes at the same location. Everyone within the precinct has the same representatives at the city, state and federal levels.
Precinct organizing helps to build connections and keep citizens engaged in politics year-around. It’s also an important grassroots arm of the Democratic Party. Volunteers in the precinct organizing program get to know their neighbors and learn what issues matter to them, which they can then communicate to candidates, current representatives and the Party so they can be better representations of their constituents. In return, volunteers also help communicate initiatives from candidates, current representatives and the Party to the voters, so they can keep up with issues and stay involved.
SCOPE volunteers organize events like candidate meet-and-greets, postcard parties, phone banking, as well as making sure neighbors are registered and reminding them to vote. This is a long-term network-building initiative that will have lasting effects beyond the 2018 Midterms, even beyond the 2020 Presidential Election.
Want to learn more? Click here to read our FAQ and sign up to be a volunteer! Precinct organizing fits into every schedule!