
A College Student’s Guide to Voting in Georgia

As you return to campus for the Fall, take a moment to answer one very important question: Do you have a VOTING PLAN for the November 8 election?
Voting as a college student living away from home can be a bit more complicated (or even more so if you are spending a semester abroad!). Careful planning now can make things easier in November. Your VOTE is your VOICE – make sure you are heard!

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Standing With Labor

Standing in Solidarity with Labor

Join Congresswoman Nikema Williams as we stand in solidarity with our Unions on this Labor Day. We will March from the Headquarters of Labor Unions here in Atlanta to the Capital, as we commemorate all the hard fought gains Unions have brought Americans over the years.

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DPG is hiring!

DPG’s Coordinated Campaign team is still hiring Organizers for this election cycle. We are looking for passionate, hardworking individuals who are committed to building a coordinated campaign working to elect

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Voter Protection Hotline Training

Help protect the vote in Georgia by becoming a hotline volunteer! At this remote training, you’ll learn how to answer questions about registering and voting in GA. Once you’ve completed

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