Candidates, It’s Time to Qualify!

Candidates, It’s Time to Qualify!

When: Monday, March 5 to Thursday, March 8, 9 am to 5 pm and Friday, March 9, 9 am to 12 pm.

Where: IBEW 501 Pulliam St SW #400, Atlanta, GA 30312

Click here for more information.







In accordance with the Georgia Election Code Section 21-2-131, Fixing and publishing of qualification fees; manner of payment; distribution of fees paid, the following qualifying fees were set by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners for county offices to be filled in the upcoming primary or elections and elected by Fulton County voters in 2018:


Fulton County OfficeQualifying Fee
State Court Judge$4,752.36
Chief Magistrate Judge$3,282.78
Fulton County Commission Chair$1,110.00
Fulton County Commission District 1$1,050.00
Fulton County Commission District 3$1,050.00
Fulton County Commission District 5$1,050.00
Fulton County School Board District 2$555.00
Fulton County School Board District 5$555.00
Fulton County School Board District 6$555.00
Fulton County School Board District 7$555.00


Declaration of Candidacy and Affidavit

Qualifying Period:  March 5, 2018 (beginning at 9:00 A.M.) through 12:00 noon March 9, 2018, for a Political Party Candidate to file a Notice of Candidacy to have his/her name placed on the General Primary Ballot O.C.G.A. §21-2-153 (c)(1); and for a Non-Partisan Candidate to file a Notice of Candidacy to have his/her name placed on the General  Primary/Non-Partisan Ballot, O.C.G.A. §21-2-132, 21-2-172, 21-2-187.

The General Primary will be held on May 22, 2018 and the General Election will be held on November 6, 2018.

Republican Tax Bill

Republican Tax Bill

Congressional Republicans are surging forward with a tax plan that could be disastrous to our nation. Due to their lack of governing in the past year, they are driven to pass any legislation of significance so they can go fly home and say, “Look! We did something for you!” And unfortunately, if this new tax plan passes, we know who the “you” is. It is those of us who are not sitting in our multi-million dollar homes, collecting our multi-million dollar paychecks each year. According to a reliable analysis of the bill, the burden of payments for cuts benefitting the extremely wealthy and corporate America will rest on the shoulders of working folks who make below $75,000 per year. The Right’s assumption is that lessening corporate taxes will boost the economy and produce revenue. To achieve this, the economy must grow at a rate approaching 4%, an amount not reached since 2000. The last time 4% growth happened was during the Clinton presidency. And tax decreases on the wealthy and corporate world did not drive those numbers. During the 1980s, when Reagan passed the same basic plan with the same basic assumptions, it soon fell apart. Back then it was called “Trickle Down” economics. And who called it that? George H W Bush! Reagan disciples don’t often mention that when our national revenue slowed to a trickle, Reagan, to his and his advisors’ credit, raised taxes. This tax plan has been tried, it doesn’t work and the majority of Americans know it doesn’t.

And, as if the bill from the House is not treacherous enough, the Senate has inserted a provision that would eliminate the Obamacare mandate that everyone is required to buy insurance or pay a fine. This key piece keeps healthy people in the market, thereby balancing out those who need healthcare more often. If this stays in the bill, millions of people will lose or choose to lose their healthcare. The repercussions of this will be far-reaching, starting with increased premiums.

Some issues confronting us are hard to grasp and understand the immediacy of the impact. This is not one of those times. So what is there to do? Many things. Call your Senator and tell them what you think. (put local and national phone numbers here). Write them online. (put emails to Perdue and Isakson here). Put a sign in your yard, even if it’s done by hand. Speak up in your groups. At least do one of these. If you can call every day, do it if you can write every day, do it.

With the recent election results in Virginia and other states, we know that Democrats are finding their voice. Find yours. The path forward for our country is better visualized through the eyes of progressive leaders and policies. Help make that path one all of us can walk down, and not a path for only the wealthy and corporate CEOs.

The latest studies show just how much our nation is becoming a tale of two classes. Democrats want to give everyone a chance to improve their lives. This Republican tax bill is not part of a path to that chance. Help reject this policy and mindset.

Find your voice. Call. Write. Get involved. Today.

Vote for You – November 7

Vote for You – November 7

The issues that affect you are local…

In these uncertain times, there is one thing we know for sure and it is that the change we want starts in our neighborhoods. Challenges like…

  • Making sure the city of Atlanta is a place for everyone with affordable housing options for an economically diverse population of residents
  • Addressing our public transportation needs to make it easier for people to opt-out of traffic comfortably
  • Provide safe neighborhoods with fair, adequate,  and equitable access to public safety  for all of Atlanta’s neighborhoods

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We Demand Action on Climate Change

We Demand Action on Climate Change

There is one issue facing our nation, and indeed our world, that must be addressed. Climate change. As we have seen in recent weeks, nature has unleashed massive destruction and flooding on the mainland US and the Caribbean. Climate change may not be totally responsible for these and other weather incidents, but it certainly plays a vital part in their intensity amid the new climate normal. For sure, the Earth goes through cycles of warm and cool trends, and has for millions of years. During those millennia, the amount of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere has been the best indicator of a warming world. For the last 700,000 years, the atmospheric carbon dioxide was never more than 300 parts/million. In 1950, Earth crossed that line and never looked back. The vast amount of data accumulated by NASA and many other climatologists reveals the most likely perpetrator of this trend to be…us. Our industries have released more carbon than any natural cycle could ever do. And thus, climate change and all its consequences.

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Flipping the Outcome

Flipping the Outcome


As the dust still settles from our recent efforts to elect Jon Ossoff, perhaps we should reflect on the journey past, present and future. Even though the outcome left us dry-mouthed and often teary-eyed, we made immense progress. Local Democrat meetings that had previously drawn crowds of 15-30 saw a burst of interest that led to standing-room- only gatherings. This revealed the passion for our message and the messenger in a way that probably shocked Republicans who felt the district was a safe bet. So on that note, we can feel good about how the gap was significantly closed. But the gap still remains.

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